Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mothers Month

is almost upon us, and true to form I have my lists ready,  catalogued in order of how likely I am to recieve it.  So, here's a sneak preview.
A is likely, B is a maybe, C is wishful thinking at it's finest.....

Extension to the Cat House  (A+)
Yes indeedy, this one is a sure thing, according to the tribe of three.  We already have a lovely covered catio, which FF enclosed in Catmesh in time for the arrival of the hooligans last August.  We spend much time out there, but because it's got a roof, and you can roll down plastic blinds to protect it from the weather, it doesn't really count as "outside", IYKWIM.   I have been after the tribe for MONTHS to build me a little outdoor extension to the catio, where myself and the furboys can soak up the winter sun and generally zen out, cat style.  So this was actually on the Wishful Thinking end of my list but I have been assured that it will be fully completed and ready for occupancy by the end of May. Which brings me to the next part of my list.....

all the goodies that the furries and I will need in our new establishment.  The last picture is all about the bench.... we already have almost 26 pounds of over-nourished Ragdoll in charge of Planet Hartwell.  More furries are NOT in my future plans at this time.

I'm hoping to score at least three of these....since we already have sleepers and bricks under the house, the bench shouldn't be a huge ask.   We also have an old tyre that's BEGGING to be recycled into something funky, and the chair has been on my Mothers Month list for several years, so I figure it's time it came to the top of the list.  The sundial I can live without, but it's awesome and I really want it, so we'll see what happens.....

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