Friday, March 23, 2012

Random Weird.

Got an email  from Vera, who is the breeder we bought the boys from.  We keep in contact, I let her know how they're doing, send her pix and stuff.  I sent her some shots of the boys in their crossing guard uniforms a few weeks back, and yesterday, she sends me an email saying that her hubby was flying back to Sydney from Qld and ended up sitting next to Grant Denyer from Sunrise and was telling him how we bought the boys as therapy animals, and how they go on the crossing with me  and apparantly Grant asked for my contact details and wants to pass them on to his producer.  (because they have an insanity quotient to fill??  who knows).  Personally, I am prepared to eat my whistle if anything comes of it, because the idea of Grant Denyer (or anyone for that matter) talking to their boss about my furboys standing guard with me at the crossing is as likely as me becoming an Immigration Lawyer.....and we all know how that turned out.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Project 365 I think we're still in March.

 X ray socks....Uber-Geeky!!
 Tell me a secret......
 Not my favourite place. he gets to move burgers with his mind, hmmmmm.
 Hey, it could be worse.  Firstborn's current reading list......
 Bruce's birthday mug.....funky, no??
 Ragdoll roadkill.  He's only kidding, I swear!!
The Smurfs that ate the world!!!!! 
If world domination is on your agenda, you need a husband who can crack hexadecimals.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Don't look at me like that.....

I know I'm behind in my 365.  Again.  But I have things going on.  I have to work, otherwise the stupidparkers will have no one to abuse.  Plus, my kids need feeding.  ALL. THE. TIME.   And I joined a forum for like minded insane ragdoll cat owners (of which I can proudly be counted as a double card carrying member, being both insane personally and the owner of two completely insane raggers).  So I have social responsibilities too.  And my ovaries grew teeth last Sunday and are still trying to chew their way out of my abdominal cavity.  Plus, my smurfs are overcrowded and I haven't harvested the sarsaparilla.  Good job it's the only thing that doesn't wilt.  On the upside, I made chocolate Whoopie Pies and they were beyond awesome.  Photos tomorrow.  I promise.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Project 365 Bon Nuit

I suppose I should be glad they leave me any room at all......

Friday, March 9, 2012

Project 365 catch -up....this is as good as it gets....I'm gonna pretend I'm caught up now, 'kay??

incorporating some pix from Bruce's Dr Seuss Birthday Bash (more to come) a close up of part of the truckload of medication I've choked on over the last fortnight, pancakes, my state of the art $5 sneaks, some cutie new baby gear for a recently mi-mawed friend with a brand new moonpie, my beloved antique Kodak, and far too many cat pix.   Enjoy!!


OK, the truth.  I was sick for about ten days, which put me woefully behind in my Project 365 challenge, BUT......I refuse to lay down and die.....even though I serously considered it last week.  Tonight, I'm gonna upload all the pix I have (there may be one or two missing from my three day doonathon when the pain meds knocked me out) and get my shit together.
On the upside of the downside, FF has once again decided that Planet Hartwell should relocate to places not here for a few days of zen over Easter.  He always decides this two weeks before Easter, when sensible mortals make their bookings the previous year, and yet he always manages to find us somewhere to be still and listen.  This year it's here

which is Pottsville on the Northern NSW coast.  If you want to know exactly where, you can do one of two things. 
1.  Check it out on google earth.
2.  Wait till we leave then look up and when you've found the biggest, meanest, blackest clouds in the Southern Hemesphere, we'll be directly under them.  In this

because I refuse to drag the campertrailer over the border for three days, spend two days setting up and pulling down and the third day cooking 57 meals under canvas because any time we're within a sniff of the ocean, suddenly the Tribe of Three require feeding on a semi-hourly basis.  And plus, it's gonna rain pianos.  Guaranteed.  Rain on a tin roof, I'm a big fan.  Rain seeping through the tarps on the tent.  Not so much.  Stay tuned for the the rest of my 365's.  I hope.


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